
10 Awful Dresses That Would Define A Rascal Lady.

Most ladies today,now dress in a very awful manner, and there is a saying that goes like this "the way you dress is the way you would be addressed" but today indecency is seen as fashion and civilization.Men see 8 awful person that would define a bad spouse: The way you...

Reasons Why You Can Never Escape From Sexual Harassment at Work place.

Sexual harassment is defined as the act of imposing an unwelcome sexual requests, advances and comments towards sexual favor.  See reasons why you are tied to sexual harassment at your work place: 1.Indecent dressing 2.Erotic body spray. 3.Skimpy skirts. 4.Walk responsible. 5.Be bold to refuse...

6 Dangerous Words You Must Never Say In A Relationship.

The ability to communicate with your lover is totally a good idea, in as much there have to be a limit.You do have a good communication, your free lovers, you do the right thing but you tend to shatter your relationship gradually with the words you utter out of your mouth. It is absolutely very important...

Crises Of Bouncing From Relationship To Relationship.

Crises Of Bouncing From Relationship To Relationship. Preponderance of times,relationship bouncing may be due to one having feelings that he/she can be left alone one day.Majority of people would like to have a back up relationship, which can lead to diverted feelings. Bouncing from one relationship...

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