
6 Dangerous Words You Must Never Say In A Relationship.

The ability to communicate with your lover is totally a good idea, in as much there have to be a limit.You do have a good communication, your free lovers, you do the right thing but you tend to shatter your relationship gradually with the words you utter out of your mouth.
It is absolutely very important to know the likes and dislikes of your spouse so you won't end your destroying your relationship in silence.
Some of these words you say might be dramatic, can be fun, but you might be annoying your spouse.
With further explanation, here are the words you must restrain from to have a healthy relationship.
This is a common rude word used to slam people.Meaning you don't give a damn about their opinion and actions.It is very disrespectful to use, it is really slamming.

2.My mum is a good cook
Telling your spouse your mum is a good cook, is indirectly giving her the impression that your mum cooks better.Nature has made women to better, so that word can be quite offending.

3.Who was your ex
Why would you ever remember the ex of your spouse when your in a good relationship,asking of your spouse ex might bring disagreement and hatred in such relationship.

4.Did you see her dressing code
Your spouse wouldn't help that compliment, she would feel really bad, meaning the other lady looks better than her.Of course yes, you offended her.

5.What's your best-friend name again
If you are a man that do this, please stop it because you are initially cooking up infidelity and lack of trust.What do you want to do with her best-friend's name.

6.You snore good
Come on, that's total sarcasm, how would you  love the way he/she snore? share opinions and solution not deceive each other.  

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