
TOUCHING:BROTHER AND FRIENDS RAPE 12 YEAR OLD GIRL FOR FOUR YEARS. A 12years old girl who resides in Jahi district with her parents has been tested HIV positive after she confessed that her 25year old half brother,Abdullahi Mohammed and his friends have been repeatedly raping her for the past four...
PRESIDENT BUHARI SPENDS 6 MILLION NAIRA ON EAR INFECTION IN THE UK. Presidency denied the allegations by Prof.Farooq Kperoji that President Muhammadu Buhari spent 6milllion Naira during his treatment for an ear infection in the united kingdom.Mallam Garba Shehu,who debunks the allegation via his Facebook...
STRANGE WOMAN DRUGS MOTHER STEALS BABY IN AKWA IBOM. This devilish woman was arrested today by the Nigerian police who drugged a mother and stole baby.It was reported that Peace Chukwuemeka,30,for stealing a month old baby from her mother.The suspect who has been married for years without a baby,left...
BOB RISKY SAID HE DIDN'T GO FOR ANY HIV TEST. The king of snap chat bob risky denies the fact that he is HIV positive.He said "do u see HIV in my eyes ni".We are still on suspense that the king of snap chat has not revealed his true medical status.He also said he didn't go for any te...
MAN TURNS INTO A WOMAN AT NIGHT. Man confesses during deliverance that he changes to a woman at night.He sleeps with powerful and rich men as a condition of his ritual to get rich.In the morning he changes back to his normal self which is a man.He did this to become rich as he drains the wealth of...
NIGERIANS NO LONGER FIND FALSE PROPHETS FUNNY. Popular Nigerian prophet TB Joshua,,had earlier claimed that he'd seen a vision where the US presidential election was won by a woman ie Donald Clinton.To his disappointment and that of millions of people worldwide,Donald Trump took victory over her,emerging...

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